
Prof. Suahasil Nazara, S.E., M.Sc, Ph.D

Suahasil Nazara is a professor in Economics at the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Indonesia (FEUI). His expertise includes the economics of development, regional economics, labor economics, economics of poverty and social protection, econometrics and input-output analysis. Aside from actively teaching and supervising students, Prof. Nazara is also very active in supporting the Government of Indonesia in different roles.  At this moment he is a member of the National Economic Council (Komite Ekonomi Nasional, or KEN), and a Policy Group Coordinator of National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) Office of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Prof. Nazara obtained his Bachelor degree from the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Indonesia (1994), Master degree from Cornell University (1997), and Ph.D degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2003).