

Macro (economic and politic) policies, risk and impact

  1. Assessing and evaluating fiscal, monetary and exchange rate policies
  2. Monitoring and evaluating sources of economic growth, by industry and by regional
  3. Providing analysis on the impact of policies’ changes and economic development on firms and industries.
  4. Making recommendation on any possibility change in corporate strategic plan as a result of policies’ changes

Scenario and Strategic Planning

We work within this framework to tailor solutions to suit our clients’ needs

  1. Scenario Planning helps the clients to develop all plausible scenario in order to be able to have the agility required to gain business advantage from changes in the high uncertainty  environment. The benefits include:
  2. early warning of business risks and opportunities
  3. objective decision support which balances the risks and returns of business options
  4. innovative business ideas
  5. challenge to any assumptions of business-as-usual
  6. common language for strategic debate which helps to capture divergent views across the business
  7. Scenario planning will help the clients to test the appropriateness of their existing strategic planning

Market and business analysis

  1. Describing the changes that is underway or will be occurring in the market and business environment
  2. Identifying information relevant to understanding effect of the changes
  3. Specifying economic models for quantifying effects and;
  4. Recommending valuable strategies based on conclusion from information and economic models

Regulation Impact

  1. How will laws, government policies and regulations affect firm, business and industry
  2. Evaluating the impact of changes in public policies, in government and regional/local regulations, and in market and business conditions on firm and industries
  3. Designing and conducting survey to gather the quantitative and qualitative information and fact
  4. Employing quantitative model that separate the effect of key variable
  5. Providing a rigorous economic thinking, strategies and a creative perspective to our clients, firm and industry.


  1. Designing an efficient way to collect data from a representative sample of people, firms and organization about which information is needed
  2. Developing quantitative and qualitative survey research, statistical design, development and testing survey instruments, data collection and field work, and data analysis and reporting

Corporate Financial and operational restructuring

  1. Quantify and value existing assets and liabilities to determine potential values ranges undergoing concerns and liquidation scenarios
  2. Review viability of existing business operations
  3. Develop option and recommendations resolving debtor creditor, inter creditor issues pertaining to outstanding loans and commercial transaction
  4. Develop optimal debt restructuring plans that will match future cash flows with obligations under restructured sustainable debt
  5. Present the terms and conditions of the restructuring plan to all stake holders with a view to negotiates a consensual agreement
  6. Assist the legal advisers to formalize the completion of debt restructuring plan
  7. Develop optimal performance improvement work out and operational restructuring plan that increase the productivity of the firm and present to the corporate decision makers including :

- Commercial workout and operational workout 

- Performance improvement diagnostic

- Business process design

- Capability sourcing

- Complexity management (management restructuring

- Revenue enhancement

- Turn around strategy

Merger and Acquisition services

Providing a high quality advisory services to buyers and sellers of business combinations

Competition and anti trust policy

Providing advisory services on market definition, profitability analysis, predation testing and move, international price comparison, horizontal and vertical merger, cartels and others

Infrastructures, oil and gas, and Consumers

  1. Assessing options for privatizing public infrastructure
  2. Analyzing infrastructure, natural resources, consumers’ planning, policies, investment needs and feasibility.
  3. Analyzing the competitive and regulatory environment in those sectors
  4. Identifying and analyzing systematically the interaction of customer behavior, costs, and the economic environment
  5. Providing advisory services to private institution and companies regarding to any investment opportunities

Crisis management guidelines and services